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Yan Xhengxue 2001 charcoal on paper 17" x 14" $375 (framed or unframed) (Purchasing Information) Painter, China
Police detained Yan Xhengxue, a 50-year old painter and deputy of a local
People’s Congress, in July of 1993 in response to an argument with
a bus conductor in Beijing. Never accused of a crime, he was found
outside the police station several hours later by a passer-by,
severely bruised and nearly unconscious. In the suit that he filed
soon after his attack, three police officers admitted to involvement
in Yan Xhengxue's assault, yet months passed without any action by
the courts. When broad public support finally forced his case to be
heard nearly a year later, neither Yan Xhengxue nor his doctor were
permitted to testify. The one police officer that was prosecuted,
Zhang Chi, was given a suspended sentence. Yan Xhengxue, however,
was not. Colleagues of Zhang Chi, angered by Yan Xhengxue's attempt
to seek justice, fabricated bogus charges of theft against him. He
was sentenced by a local government committee to two years at a
forced labor camp -- without any evidence, formal charges, or the
opportunity to defend himself. Chinese law both prohibits the use of
"torture to extract confessions" and guarantees the right
to seek justice against officials who abuse their power.
Unfortunately, the case of Yan Xhengxue is but one example of the
abuse of power and the true arbitrary nature of the Chinese system.
All images on this site are copyright © 2008 by Tom Block Arts.
Please contact the artist for use of these images.